Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Turkey treats

For our big family Thanksgiving dinner, I was given a fun assignment.  I am supposed to bring jam, and treats for the kids.  Nothing fancy about the jam, but I sure had fun making these turkey cookies and "corn on the cob"! 


  1. Your treats turned out so cute! When you described the corn on the cob I could picture how it looked, but the turkey cookies are completely different than I thought...They are too cute!

  2. Those are so cute! Have a Happy Thanksgiving :)

  3. Fun! I'm so excited we get to see you!!!! Drive safe!

  4. Love these! And I keep trying to call you, but haven't been able to find your number... I'm wondering if you are up for a little ornament exchange party this Friday. 6:00 at the Johnsons. If everyone is interested, I've got the DVD of the Forgotten Carols performance, and I thought we could all bring a treat to share, exchange our ornaments and watch it. Are you up for it?
