Friday, May 15, 2009

Em's Field Day

Today I had the fun experience of helping with the Lincoln Elementary Field Day.  The theme was "boot camp".  After a last-minute trip to DI for some camouflage pants, we were ready for the day.  The kids had 10 stations to go to.  My job was basically the "pack horse".  I carried around various jackets, backpacks, water bottles, lunches, hats, scarves, etc.... and tried to keep up with the kids.  Occasionally I applied sunscreen or escorted kids to the "latrines".  It was nice to spend the day outside and get to know some of Emily's new friends.  


  1. What a beautiful day to be outdoors and having fun--- and as always, involved in whatever is going on. Your camouflage looks good, Em!

  2. so the 5T shorts must not have worked? She looks like she had fun!

  3. How did her play go?

    Looks like nice weather!
