Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It's my birthday!

My birthdays aren't much different from any other day. I don't usually like to make a big deal of it, but at the same time, it's nice to be remembered.  I've enjoyed all the e-mail and facebook comments today!  Mostly, what I wanted for my big day, was to have a quiet day at home.  I had to run out a few times, but it's been so nice to putter around the house!  I have a sinus infection and it's great to be kind of lazy today.  Tonight Tony and I are ditching the kids and going to IF for dinner and some shopping.  Wooo-hoooo!!!!  Then back home for pie with the kids.  (cake isn't really my favorite).  Maybe next year, for my 40th, I'll whoop it up a bit more.  Anyway, it's good to get a little older... it sure beats the alternative!


  1. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great, lazy day and a fun dinner today. Pie sounds festive! :)

  2. Happy Birthday! Enjoy the shopping and pie.
