Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stuff in our lives

I've been a terrible blogger lately!! I spend all my time in "survival mode" these days, and blogging is not a priority!

Emily got to be the star of her class play. Here she is as "Captain Comma". It was a great play! Em liked her part and was a great pirate captain!

School has been out for a week now, and we are having fun with summer classes. Jacob is taking an art class, Erik is in golf, Em is doing tennis, and I am stiff and sore from pilates! It's a good thing we have a reading program at the library and a movie program at the theater too, to keep us busy. We are having a hard time with no yard to mow and water and no garden to weed. I planted a couple tomatoes in pots, and the wind immediately whipped them to pieces!

We are enjoying all the activities available on campus. One of the kids favorite places is the "rock and mineral" display in the geology department. This shows the kids enjoying the crystals, and wishing they were rich enough to buy them!
We are getting very anxious to sell our house in Montana so we can buy a house here. We recently got a notice that all pets MUST be on a leash outside. Our cat is not happy. He yowls all night to be let out, and none of us enjoy listening to him. When we do put a leash on him, he fights it and we also look really silly! It's hard to keep 3 kids and a cat quiet and busy in this small apartment, and I won't be very sad to leave it!


  1. Cute pictures! I love the artsy picture of the kids looking through the display case. Cute picture of Emily. Grampa says it doesn't do justice to the pictures he recalls from the video, of the precarious positions of her hat each time it got knocked askew...he liked seeing it sitting askew and sideways, and sometimes even backwards on her head. That was truly a fun production.

    As for the crowded apartment situation, remember our road trips with all of us sleeping in the van with our beds stacked in layers on top of each other? remember how happy it was? and how fun? Enjoy! This too shall pass and you'll look back and remember the closeness you felt and the happiness and fun and the sense of adventure.

  2. Looks like you guys are having fun despite the apartment. We'll keep in you our prayers that the house sells soon!

  3. You can come to our house any time you want!!!!!!
    The garden needs weeded as soon as it dries out enough to do it.
    Em is a cute Captain Comma!

  4. I don't know if it is survival mode, but I feel like I am just hanging on as life flies by. I think of fun things to post but then the day is gone and no post. I hope your house sells soon so you can get settled. Good luck!

  5. I saw that pic of your kids and had this MAJOR flashback of the days when you used to take Scott to go get rocks...

  6. emily's play sounded like lots of fun. and the mineral exhibit looks amazing. that's really cool. i heard you sold your house. congrats! i'm sure that's a huge relief. we miss you guys lots and hope everything is going well for you all!
