Saturday, May 1, 2010

Born Again Blog

OK.  Tony has inspired me to start blogging again.  I have thought about it often, but not known where to start.  It's not that I don't have the time... I have as much time as everyone else does.... I just have so many things that I want to do!  My resources (time, energy, money, etc...) are far exceeded by my aspirations!!!!!  I am working in being a good Mom, Wife, RS president, homemaker, relative, landscaper, cook, gardener, and on and on!  I just can't do all of it at the same time!  I have to work on some things now, and some things at other times.... I hope I live long enough to fit everything in!!!


  1. Good to see you again. Blogging only works if you do it for yourself, not for those reading. If you write about the things that are most interesting to you, you won't find that it is something that you have to 'fit in'. You're right that you can't fit it all in, so why stress it? Just do the amount of the stuff that you want. All that other stuff is designed to make you happy right? So choose an amount of it that makes you happy.

  2. I agree with Scott. Go listen to that song by Michael McLean (and not your uncle) goes: I can't do everything. I know because I've tried. I told myself I could, then found out I lied. I believed with all my heart that I should do it all. But I can't do everything, and when I try I fall. I can't please everyone. I know because I've tried. I needed their love so much, sometimes I compromised. But the more I live and learn, the more I clearly see...that I can't please anyone until I'm pleased with me. So here I am asking with all my help me find myself in your love. Because I can't do anything without some help from above. And I can't please anyone until I know I'm loved, and I believe I'm loved.

    I have to listen to this song about everyday when life is overwhelming. Just remember who is most important to serve and ask for his help, and the rest will work out.

    You're the BEST!!

  3. Oh yea, My Stake RS President had this great quote, "Just Be Yourself, Everyone Else is Already Taken"

  4. I go in spurts. There is sooo much I would like to do, too. (We must be related or something)but time is managed by the must-dos. We just do what we can! I'm glad you'll try blogging again.

  5. This is the Old Dad. Thanks for starting to blog again. I have missed having the daily thought or contact from you, especially now that your family is far, far away.
    Thank you for all the good thoughts and encouragement from you wonderfull relatives.
    I have been pretty punk for the last month with being sick and tooth broken, etc. These blogs and thoughts have helped alot.

  6. You'll never live THAT long!! :) But good luck! I love the encouraging comments, and love that song, Kaylynn.

  7. Yay, you're back! Well said everyone! Especially the Michael McLean song (not my dad). Lol. I blog since it will be my only "journal" for my kids and their posterity to read. Everything in moderation, of course. :)
