Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I am continually amazed at how our attitude affects us, and the people around us.  When any member of my family is having a "bad" attitude, it rubs off on everyone and we all change the way we act.  Likewise, when someone is cheerful and optimistic, it makes those around them happier.  I worked in the bookstore again today, and most of the people just went through the line without much response to me, but a few seemed really grumpy, and I felt myself getting defensive and "protective" against them.  There were others who told me what a good "traffic director" I was and said things like "thank you" or "have a good day".  I am working really hard at being the one in control of my attitude, and not letting the moods and reactions of others determine what I feel.  It is not easy, and often I have to pretend to not let things get to me.  I figure that if I practice the way I want to react, and practice being the kind of person I want to be, some day I will actually be that way! 

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