Sunday, September 16, 2012

Noise Pollution

I just enjoy the quiet.  Many people, (my husband included) feel most comfortable with "stuff" going on.  This includes such things as music, tv, internet, podcasts, etc....  I usually "tune out" the input from these things  It's not a conscious choice, in fact I don't even realize I'm doing it.  I don't like the feeling of "disconnect" between my thoughts and the things going on around me that happens when I am paying attention to these types of things.  In fact it makes me almost nervous when I can't hear and tune in to what is going on around me.  Is this strange?  I hardly ever turn on the radio or put in music, watch tv, or have any type of electronic noise going when I am home alone.  Sometimes Tony will comment about the things he is watching or listening to, and I am rarely able to respond with anything other than "sorry, I wasn't listening".  I don't mind that we have different tastes in the "noise" category, because I love Tony and am able to tune out the stuff I don't enjoy.  I just think this is unusual to have such an affinity for quiet, since most people turn on the "noise" a lot more than I do.


  1. I think you should call for quiet time occasionally. There would be value in that for all of us.

  2. extroverts get their batteries filled by outside stimulation while quiet drains them. These people can only handle quiet for short periods. Introverts get their batteries filled by quiet while stimulation drains them. Introverts are often very sociable and often the life of the party but they can only do it for short bursts.

  3. I'm exactly the same as you sis! I can't think or get anything accomplished when there is noise!!! It's like my ability to function gets turned off when there is too much!!

  4. I can't sleep when there is any noise at all. You are not alone!
