Thursday, October 11, 2012


I am so grateful for friends in my life.  Today I got a sweet note from a friend that made me feel appreciated and loved.  Then I was able to go to the temple with another friend, who then came to my house and helped me scrub potatoes for a dinner I am helping with tomorrow.  Then another friend invited me over to get some starts of plants I had been admiring.  While I was getting plants, another friend sent over a cheese ball that she makes, and I love to eat!  My husband is my greatest friend and confidante, and he is always doing kind things for me and provides love and support.  Tonight I am feeling very grateful for the friends in my life, and the friends that I still love, that have moved out of my life.  Friendship is truly something that I treasure... maybe because I feel like I don't have very many "close" friends.  My family are my best friends and that is where I choose to spend most of my time and energy.  Sometimes I feel lonely for friends, but today I feel rich in that area.

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